19 件中 1 ~ 12 件を表示
All 全体 - YASU - 2020/05/15Story time3
All 全体 - 2020/05/15Story time2
Peach Mango - Koki kuwayama - 2020/05/07Tuna bowl♡
I enjoyed my first online cooking♪yummy yummy yummy(≧▽≦)
Akegaoka2 elementary (After school) - Ryutaro - 2020/04/24Roulette
I played roulette at my home.Mayumi Sensei maked the roul...
All 全体 - Saki - 2020/04/23A Beautiful Butterfly
Matt sensei's story time part2!A caterpillar turned rainb...
All 全体 - Saki - 2020/04/20Stick Man by Julia Donaldson
We love Abi sensei's story time. Children were into the s...
All 全体 - Fumiko - 2020/04/20Craft time
Unfortunately it’s rainy day.... we couldn’t go to the pa...
Akegaoka2 elementary (After school) - Hayato - 2020/04/19I like Lego!
I made a cruiser with Lego.It is very cool.I made it all ...
Akegaoka2 elementary (After school) - MAKO TESSHIN KOHARU - 2020/04/18BANANA CAKE
We made banana cake. It's too big.It was so good!